
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Secret to Finishing Up Works In Progress (it's not what you are expecting!)

I have a habit of starting new quilting projects before the current one is finished. I totally blame in on the creative side of my brain -- sometimes I just can't wait another second to get an idea out of my head. It's a vicious cycle, really. Thankfully someone has come to my rescue and it's probably not who you think!

Ready for it? It's my Dad!

My dad retired from a 30 year career in law enforcement last year and found himself with a little more free time & a lot less stress. One thing led to another and before we knew it he was a sewing & quilting rockstar. Seizing the opportunity (can you blame me?), I packed up a few of my works in progress and sent them back home to my parents' house.

Here's one of the most recent projects he sent back -- this flannel quilt top. Each strip finishes at 1" and if you've ever worked with flannel, you'll understand this is quite the finish! Now all I have to do piece a backing, throw it on the longarm quilting machine, and it'll be done. Speaking of longarm...I'm thinking that's the next thing I should get him going on. Something tells me he'd rock that part too. 

Happy Sewing!


  1. I'm going to need your dad's address! ;)

  2. Ohmygod, what a hoot! Lucky you are! :D

  3. how wonderful for you and him !!!

  4. wow that is so fun!! you are so lucky to have him to help you out. i wish i had someone that could finish up all my unfinished projects and quilts

  5. I love it! Tell him he is awesome!
