This post is part of the Sparkle Quilt Along with myself and
Jeni of In Color Order. For more information, see here.
Welcome to all of you Sparkle Quilt Along-ers! Last week Jeni of In Color Order showed you how to make your half square triangles and there's been lots of great progress pictures popping up in the flickr group. Nice work! This week we will be sewing those half square triangles into sparkle blocks! let's get started.
sewing the sparkle blocks.
for each sparkle block you will need:
(16) 2 1/2" half square triangles
(4) 2 1/2" squares of background fabric
(1) 8 1/2" square of main fabric
step 2. pin, sew, and press the 4 HSTs into one unit. repeat to remaining HSTs for a total of 4 units.
step 3. pin, sew, and press the (4) 2 1/2" background squares onto the ends of two of the HST units.
step 4. arrange your block.
step 5. pin, sew and press the side rows onto the 8 1/2" square.
step 6. and finally, pin, sew, and press the top and bottom rows.
next week Jeni will be talking about sashing+putting your quilt top together! and don't forget to post your progress in the Sparkle Quilt Along Flickr group!
xo, megan.
Maybe it's a stupid question, but what should be the size of each finished sparkle? Is it 12'' or 12.5''? I've just finished sewing mine and would like to trim them :)