Monday, November 28, 2011

{sew} modern monday [the toast bag!]

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

it's time for  
{sew} modern monday!


i hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend! now that the turkey and mash-potatoes are gone, the christmas tree is finally up, and the holiday baking has begun (i think i've already eaten a dozen of these yummy cookies!) it's time to kick the handmade gift making into full gear! while i may have been pushing a few sewing deadlines off .:ahem:. the heat is on. so to kick it all off, and to get the creative juices flowing, i decided to make a quick little lined drawstring bag using jeni's awesome tutorial!


i just love this tutorial! jeni's pictures and instructions are clear and precise, making for a wonderfully easy tute to follow. for my bag, i decided to use some of my yellow "toast" fabric and a geometric black & white fabric for the outside. i just love that toast! 


for a little pop of color, i used a hot pink amy butler print for the lining and a contrasting aqua dot for the draw strings. 


and done -- instant gratification! :) 

<<linking up to Fabric Tuesday!>>

do you have a recent modern sewing finish? then be sure to link up! as always, please include a link and/or button in your blog post so everyone can know where you are partying!


  1. Love your Toast bag. What a wonderful idea!

  2. The toast bag is so cute!! Love the lining.

  3. Love the toast bag - co cute:) A friend of mine asked me to make her a toaster cover a while ago - it would look amazing in this fabric!!

  4. Thanks for linking the tutorial! This is super cute. :)

  5. Hi Megan! Great bag and what a funny fabric! Have a lovely week!
    xxx Teje

  6. I sure do love Jeni's tutorial, and your little bag is adorable. What fun fabric! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family :)

  7. Thanks for hosting, Megan :) Your little bag is adorable... that toast fabric is perfect! Jeni's tutorial has been on my list for a while. Love it!

  8. Your toasty bag is awesome! I'm hoping I can try Jeni's tutorial before the end of the year. Thanks for hosting! Hopefully, I can make it part of my regular Monday routine!

  9. So cute! And your light box is working wonderfully - great photos!!

  10. love your bag. It really turned out so cute. i have that little toaster fabric, too

  11. Love your bag. I made a ton this weekend, too!

  12. Hee hee, I love that toaster fabric! Really must stop brain farting and posting my finishes on Sunday and hook them up on Monday though - mental head slap!

  13. that bag is too freakin cute Megan! And can I just say, your new light box pictures are looking fantastic :)

  14. Thanks for linking the tutorial! This is super cute. :)
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